Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mese Verde, Colorado

From Boulder Mountain one can practically see Mesa Verde. Well, not really, but, as the crow flies, it just ain't that far away. But, not being crows, the only way for us was to drive down to Hanksville, cross the river at Hite, go all the way north to Monticello, and then through Cortez. It was a long way. We went down on Saturday and stayed with Valerie in an historic hogan near the museum. We did a few short hikes on Sunday, but a trip into Cortez on Monday and another on Tuesday used up the rest of our time. This one was mostly about driving, I'm sorry to say.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cedar Wash, Utah

Mark and Kristi came down for wind season after the resort closed. They came to Escalante on the day that Valerie left for Mesa Verde. So, they knew that they would be cooking for themselves. And washing the dishes. Plus, Ellen wasn't feeling well, so Kristi got to practice medicine for free. All in all it was a good deal for the Orlemanns. We tried to go for a hike at Cedar Wash Arch, but Ellen wasn't up for it, so we sent them to Egypt. After a couple more days with the Monument gnats, they returned to town for showers. We let them buy us dinner, make us breakfast, vacuum the house, and cure the common cold. OK, I made up the part about vacuuming. But, really, Ellen was sick, and I ain't much of a house dad.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Durango, Colorado

I went to Durango for work. I was indoors all day. But, in the evenings, I looked around. The Animas Valley is beautiful. I can see why it is spralling with commuters. I drove up to Purgatory. It is trying to be a resort now, too. The whole place is beautiful. The whole place is busy. Busy, busy, busy. Welcome to the new west, I guess.