Monday, March 19, 2007

Alvey Wash, UT

We left Escalante late on a Friday afternoon headed for Death Ridge and the back side of Canaan Mountain. We got a little past the mouth of Horse Canyon when we noticed a likely camping area and decided to look at it before going up the ridge. After crashing around through head-high sagebrush for a few minutes, we found a little sandy cove under a small dryfall and decided to stay there. The late afternoon sun was hot, and we wondered if we'd camped down too low. The heat quickly disapated, however, and the night became very cold. We were only barely warm enough and were thankful to see the sun again the next morning. We spent Saturday hiking around the area and napping in the warm afternoon. Later, we drove up on Death Ridge and looked at an old line cabin on the edge of the oil field. We drove half way down the road to Trap Canyon to look at a campsite we'd thought of for the weekend, but we soon decided that the road was too rough for our little camper and were happy with our decision to camp down in Alvey Wash. After a warmer night, fortified with extra sleeping bags, we cleaned up camp early and made it back to Escalante in time for church on Sunday morning.

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