Monday, March 17, 2008

Spencer Flat, Utah

On Saturday we went over to the Spencer Flat Road and found a place to camp. It looked like it might turn out to be a nice afternoon and we hiked down the slickrock towards Phipps Wash. In the event, the wind picked up substantially and the temperature dropped. Making dinner was unpleasant and we ate a lot of sand (Ya ate what?). Then, we ended up sitting in the camper--which I hate--because it was too cold and windy to go outside. By nine it was lights out and we had all dropped off to sleep when I heard a couple of voices. I thought I was dreaming, but, no, we had visitors. I am not kidding. Nine-thirty at night, in the middle of nowhere, cold, dark, windy, and we had visitors. They were looking for a place to camp. And, they found one . . . right next to us. Unreal. We were surrounded by probably five million acres of totally empty public land, we were camped, it was night, and someone pulled right next to us and set up their camper. What can be said? It is a free country.

Anyway, the next morning it was cold and gray. We drove out to Big Spencer Flat and climbed around for a while. The girls picked up a few clinkers--round as baseballs--and we took turns tossing them at things. It was snowing by the time we left. Back in town it was a blizzard. We ended up with about another three inches.

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